miércoles, 3 de septiembre de 2008

Tengo una novia norteamericana - parte 2

-Sweetheart, I’m going out, baby!
Matias deja de escribir y suspira un poco molesto.
-Yes, Anna, I’m in the study.
-Ohhh, sorry, sweetheart, I didn’t know you were working, I was so absorbed with this TV show... it said the world is virtually dying, you know? Dying, for crying out loud. Experts say the earth won’t endure more than a hundred years, but Al Gore is more pessimistic: he believes the great catastrophes will begin soon – say, fifty, fifty five years, not more. God, what have we come to?
Matias intuye más de lo que entiende cuando Anna le habla a esa velocidad, y con esa tonadita sureña que lo sedujo por su inocencia un año atrás cuando se veían por primera vez .
-Oh, sorry, babe. I totally interrupted into you. Oh my gosh, I am sooo sorry.
-It’s ok, darling. I was about to take a break anyway. What are you up to?
-I am meeting up with Lorna to grab a bite. Care to join us?
Matias espera haber entendido mal y le pregunta que qué van a hacer.
-Grab–a–bite. Eat something, you know. Chit chat a bit. I am feeling so strange after that TV show... I could really use some fresh air.

1 comentarios:

Pablo Calvillo dijo...

esta rebuena la historia,
igual quiero leer mas...