lunes, 6 de octubre de 2008

True Love Waits - Carta Abierta a Roger Federer

I'll drown my beliefs
To have you be in peace (…)
I'm not living
I'm just killing time (…)
And true love waits

Carta Abierta a Roger Federer

Dear Roger,

First of all, let me say I was so happy to watch you win the last US Open in the United States of America. I was so worried about that competition, because I felt that if you lost, maybe you would have fallen into a depression and you would have left the courts for good - glad you didn´t! =)
Anyway, having said that, I just wanted to tell you that I am your biggest fan. I watched every game you played since 2004, and I have already downloaded every previous match. You are such an inspiration in my life: I started playing tennis two years ago and I am actually getting better at it - that´s what my teacher tells me. I think he is hitting on me and is worried I might stop playing if I don´t improve - but I won´t. My dream is that someday I will bump into you somewhere… I figured that playing tennis would get me closer to you. Besides, in this way I can feel the way you feel whenever I watch you play - I can practice all of the moves you make, which I study closely and in show motion. ;)
Also, I have been studying swiss german with a guy from Basel that is living here in Argentina due to the fact that he is such a tango fanatic. I wonder if you like tango… I dream about us dancing together in a milonga. This guy was also hitting on me, and I must confess I have been weak. The thing is, whenever I close my eyes and just listen to him speak, I imagine he is you and things get out of hand. However, I feel bad about this later, as if I was betraying you. :(
I love the way your hair moves, the way you smile, your seriousness, your body, the way you speak, your good nature - I can tell you have a good nature by the way you treat your opponents within the courts.
What I don´t love is your girlfriend. How come you have a girlfriend? I can tell, she doesn´t deserve you. You are far too much for her - for anyone really. However, I am certain about the fact that I could really make you happy. I would do anything for you.
Please don´t take this letter the wrong way: I just wanted you to know that there are people who are far away from you that love you, that hope the best for you, that feel your life as their own: your success is my joy, your happiness means everything to me now.
I hope you´ll read this sometime.
I hope I get to meet you sometime.
I wonder if you would leave your girlfriend for me.

I send you all my true love.
I feel truly yours.
Ich umarme und küsse Dich!
Mit heißen Liebesgrüßen aus Buenos Aires,

Deine Luz.

[Special thanks to Florian A. the crazy german translator from Rio!]

3 comentarios:

Unknown dijo...

holy crapper dificil que roger consiga silencio interior si llega a leer esto

Bichochán dijo...

yo digo que la lea igual.

Anushka dijo...

vos decís que la va a leer? quizá le podamos pedir al tío de cora que cuando vaya a ayudarlo a hacer buen samaritanismo, le deje una copia de la cartita en su mesita de luz ( :